Tuesday 31 May 2011

Games Wod

The plague has landed in Bournemouth, are you ready for it.

A) Mobility

B) 21, 15, 9
for time

140kg dead lift
30" box jump

C) 100 twists @ 10kg
30 OH Sit ups


  1. Movie Star Celebrity Motivator-Personal Trainer NYC, ''I motivate you''. John is a master adviser.Image consultant date coach and business consultant. Servicing the client's tempered headquarters: http://motivationamust.com/
    We are New York City best personal trainers, and suitable to service clients in any state.
    With the Body Crave (natural development program)

  2. Movie Star Celebrity Motivator-Personal Trainer NYC, ''I motivate you''. John is a master adviser.Image consultant date coach and business consultant. Servicing the client's tempered headquarters: http://motivationamust.com/
    We are New York City best personal trainers, and suitable to service clients in any state.
    With the Body Crave (natural development program)
