Thursday 28 April 2011

Mari last session will be sorry to see you go

A) 5 min 
push up (HOG)
hand off the ground

B) for time 
50 double unders 
40 wall balls 
30  kettlebell swings @32/24
20 Push press @ 50/35
10 pull ups, chest to bar 

c) 100 twists @ 10kg
30 oh sit ups @10kg


  1. I feel sorry to go too and won't be able to make it this morning :-(

    It was an honor training with you, Martyn, and with everybody at the gym. I will be back! Oh and I'm looking forward to those t-shirts :-P Then I shall properly represent you in Finland!

  2. 11:11 getting addicted to this, only problem is I have to train late at night so I can use all the equipment :(
